Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Why Clean Bean?

One summer in high school me and my friend Christy decided we were going to make us some money! At that point we were really good at playing Tomb Raider, making fried rice, and pretending to throw up using Corn Pops in milk to freak my mom out. Since these talents weren't going to earn the big bucks we created and marketed a cleaning business called The Clean Bean. We taped flyers everywhere and got a couple of jobs. We only had one regular though. Every other week we would clean this woman's house while she was at work. She would leave the check on the kitchen table for $80. We would split that and were very content with our $40 every other week. We had no obligations, no ties. Oh, the life of a teenager!

Since our client was at work we were able to take our time cleaning. We got to know this family's life pretty well. It just happens that way. When you're cleaning someone's house you pick up on things. We really looked forward to seeing what was going to happen next in her daughters love life. Along the duration of this job her daughter met a guy, got engaged, married, and moved out. It was very interesting to keep up with her wedding plans. It wasn't all fun and games though, at least not for us. This woman would leave "traps" for us and sometimes we would miss them and she would let us know for sure! Little things that if you missed, like a little wad of paper behind the toilet, it mean't you didn't really clean. We were always on the look out for her "traps". One time this family had shellfish for dinner and we will always remember it as "Milly ate shellfish". The garbage can reaked a smell that is still burned into my nose. We wrote a song called "Milly Ate Shellfish".

Me and Christy have so many stories from our school days. I've decided to name my blog The Clean Bean because it's a part of me, my past.

Above are pics from the original flyer. I'm so glad that I saved it.


Victoria said...

Meg you crack me up!!! I've missed seeing you and hanging around you lately for this very reason. ;)

By the way, why does 1920's music creep you out? Is there a particular song??? :)

Christina said...

I was going to say exactly what Vic said. You totally crack me up. You are such a fun person.

That is hilarious---throwing up corn pops. I really don't want to think about it, but it is hilarious.

Onecleanbean said...
