Friday, April 3, 2009

Cook in the making!

I have discovered something that has changed the way we live around here at my house. It's called E-Mealz. Best thing since the kitchen sink! I've never been able to plan meals, go buy the stuff without spending a fortune, and then successfully make them and have people want to eat them. I found this online and I really like it. James even doesn't mind going grocery shopping with me now because it has a pre-made list of everything you need. It's really easy. He has really enjoyed eating here at the house every night. His mom cooked a lot when he was growing up and he really loves homemade food. Pretty much like any man does. You get a new set of meals every week on two sheets of paper. One has the shopping list and the other has the directions. Also, it makes it where you use most of the ingredients for more than one meal that way you save money and pantry space. I just LOVE it! Here are two of the meals I've made (the only two I remembered to take pictures of)...

Smokey orange chicken, potatoes, green beans

Beef pot pie. It was sooo good the day I made this because It was cold and rainy outside and this hit the spot.


Christina said...

Oh my Meg! I will be there for dinner tonight! ; ) I thought the first pict. was from a magazine. Yummy, girl!

I will have to check it out. My meals lately have been lacking greatly, so new ideas and help sounds great!

Christina said...

oh, and I love your dishes!