Sunday, June 28, 2009


At one of the thrift stores we went to in north Ga I came across this little guy. I thought he was so cute and his sticker said "single" on it which made it even cuter to me. Vicky saw I was looking at something and said "What is that?" and I said "It's a single!" I didn't know what "single" meant exactly, but I was very glad to have found one. My sister-in-law explained to me that he was a pepper shaker and his other half was missing. Hence the "single". I still call him a single. I thought he would make a good bookworm for my new bookcase in Jacob's room. Can you spot him?


M.L. @ The House of Whimsy said...

You know what? I'm just starting to put two and two together...Are you, Victoria and Christine all sisters? If so, how FUN!!! If not...delete this comment and act like you don't know me. don't know me. Hee-hee!

Victoria said...

I love the "bookworm". I would have never thought about it in that way but it is perfect!

It makes me so happy to see all the books and to think about you & James reading them to baby Jacob! I can't to meet him!!!

Christina said...

Meg----that is just the cutest thing ever. I wouldn't have thought of it either, but it is just perfect.

I love seeing your books. I was trying to enlarge the picture to see what all you have.

You crack me up w/your "single" comment. I love how you think.