Thursday, July 23, 2009

Mystery item in my "laundry room"

I'll go ahead and warn you, this post is not for the faint!

My house was built in the 1950s time when for some reason architects didn't think anyone would need a laundry room inside their house. My "laundry room" is in a storage room off my carport. Here is a pic...

It also doubles as a tool shed. Oh, and it's also a junk room. My husbands tools and stuff are out there and he isn't at all an organized person. Truthfully I'm scared to death to do laundry after dark! There's all kinds of bugs that are attracted to the light of our house. I hope after y'all read this post 1 you will not stop reading my blog and 2 you will at least feel a little better about your laundry rooms :)

Last night I was nesting and HAD to do laundry!!! HAD to! I'll go ahead and tell you that at night time our carport turns into a slug convention. I don't know why, but they are kinda everywhere. I have this rug in front of my washer and dryer as you can see and I love it. It helps me keep my sanity because if you just look at it and the washer and dryer it isn't so bad. You just have to block out everything else in that room. Well, I looked down at the rug and it looked like a slug was crawling on it. I started putting things into the washer and was contemplating going in for the salt! I looked down at it again and realized it didn't so much look like a slug, but a little present. A mystery gift left for me by whatever is LIVING in my "laundry room"! I can already see the dirty clothes piling up. James gets the privilege of finding who our secret santa is.


Christina said...

Oh, I'm sorta cringing for you. Eeek! Let us know what it is he finds.

Victoria said...

HA HA HA, I laughed out loud! I believe it is the poop of your fav little buddies ~ lizards! :)

Unfortunately, lizards LOVE our carport and deck and we constantly have lizard poo that I have to sweep away!

I could be wrong, but that is my guess.

Christina said...

Really, lizard poo?????? I really hate to see the lizard that pooed that big. Really???? yikes.