Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Pregnancy pics

I love the rain. I always have. I would get so excited back when I was in school when there would be a tornado drill! Bad weather is so much fun. Today I woke up to a quiet house, only dim light from outside, and the sound of rain. Just what I needed. Today is my due date and like anyone would feel I'm a little disappointed that I haven't gone into labor on my own. I wanted my water to break. I always have. Tomorrow morning I will be headed to the hospital to be induced. I have an array of emotions flowing through me right now. Joy because I will soon see my Jacob. Sadness because I am leaving behind a part of my life and turning a new page. Fear because I have never done this before and know about everything major that could go wrong. I also feel like my life could be about to end. Anticipation for the new life I will have and what it's like when two becomes three. I could go all day really coming up with all the things I'm feeling at this moment. One thing I can't wait for is when I see his face for the first time. I've heard people try to describe to me that feeling of when they see their baby for the first time and the love that they feel for them and they always stop trying because they say they can't describe it.

I've taken several pictures throughout my pregnancy to show my growth. I did well until week 25 and I guess I just got distracted with other things. My goal at the beginning was to do one picture a month. I will regret not following through with that, but I took one last pic the other day. Here are all of them.

4 weeks (just found out)

8 weeks

13 weeks (wasn't feeling too hot)

16 weeks

22 weeks

25 weeks

39 weeks and 5 days

Now here's the complete before and after pics!!!

1 comment:

Victoria said...

LOL at you & your basketball belly! You are adorable.

I do understand all the thoughts, feelings and anxieties about tomorrow. Just know that we'll all be thinking about you and praying for you the whole time.

I can't wait to meet my new nephew!